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The Accordion is a container that can show big amounts of information in a small space, as it is able to be collapsed and expanded by sections, mostly conformed by text. The only content that is always visible is the header, that will give the user a hint on the content each section hides.

Use Case

  • As long as the content on a screen can be broken down into sections and the user will focus more on one section than another.

This is the first item's accordion body. Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem veritatis consectetur sit eius fuga magni itaque suscipit nam laborum, perferendis molestias, repudiandae, explicabo quas id officiis architecto neque exercitationem ullam.

This is the second item's accordion body. Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem veritatis consectetur sit eius fuga magni itaque suscipit nam laborum, perferendis molestias, repudiandae, explicabo quas id officiis architecto neque exercitationem ullam.

This is the third item's accordion body. Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem veritatis consectetur sit eius fuga magni itaque suscipit nam laborum, perferendis molestias, repudiandae, explicabo quas id officiis architecto neque exercitationem ullam.

Name Phone # Email Address Leads Opportunities Status
Alice Smith (123)456-7890 123 Main St, Anytown, Anystate 12345 200 20 Inactive
Bob Johnson (234)567-8901 456 Oak St, Othertown, Otherstate 23456 150 15 Active
Charlie Davis (345)678-9012 789 Pine St, Thistown, Thisstate 34567 180 18 Inactive

Name Company Earnings Met Goal Stocks Position Status
Alice Smith Company A $120,000 Yes 200 Manager Active
Bob Johnson Company B $150,000 No 150 Director Inactive
Charlie Davis Company C $180,000 Yes 180 CEO Active

Name Favorite Book Favorite Movie Hobby Favorite Cuisine Travel Destination
Alice Smith "To Kill a Mockingbird" "The Shawshank Redemption" Photography Italian Paris, France
Bob Johnson "1984" "The Godfather" Golf Mexican Tokyo, Japan
Charlie Davis "The Great Gatsby" "Pulp Fiction" Painting Thai Rome, Italy

How to use the accordions

  • In order to show/hide the accordion content on demand, it must have the attribute data-bs-toggle="collapse".
  • In addition, this button should also have the data-bs-target attribute set to the ID of the respective accordion collapse.
  • The accordion-collapse element needs to have the attribute data-bs-parent set to the ID of the current .accordion div that it belongs to.

Do's & Dont's

Keep headers short, whenever possible
The Accordion is able to support long texts as headers for each section. However, is always advised as a good practice, to keep naming short, in order to provide a fast way for the user to identify the content reviewed.
Define if a section will be shown by default
Depending on business needs, the accordion can show one of the sections expanded or all of them collapsed.

If you come across the first scenario, define the section to be expanded relying on what most be likely chosen by the user (most relevant, newer or older entries, etcetera).
A container mostly for texts
There are two main types of content shown on an accordion: body text and tables.

As you know, both of them are text-based components and they can include other items just as links or small supportive icons but, in general it is advised to avoid including images or other type or content or nested interactions.