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The footer is a general layout element that, along with the Header, assist providing a general navigation layout with a minimal business information section.

Use Cases

  • Based on business needs, whenever the navigation content on a site is required to be fully shown (avoiding user tapping/clicking to navigate through them).

Do's & Dont's

Hierarchy and content
Even considering that the links shown on the Footer does not require navigational actions from the user, it is important to be consistent with the menu hierarchy, as it represents the "map of the site".
Use is determined by business needs
Unlike the Header Navigation bar, the Footer component is optional. Its use will be determined by the business needs, but in most of the cases it will be dismissed from the internal management applications, as their world of options is wider than the optimal advised for the Footer to show.
A component with very basic interactions
Independently from the scenario where this is used, the footer does not allows other interactive elements than the listed above. Be advised that the main goal of the Footer is to give users an easy, spelled-out and comprehensive navigation fail-safe tool, and including other components could contradict its purpose.