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Loaders are visual animated indicator that let users know the loading state of components, sections or pages.

Use Cases

  • Whenever a component, section, or page experiments a delay on loading time that may be noticeable by the user.

Do's & Dont's

Use it where is needed
Loaders can work at different levels. They can relate to the full website loading process, to a specific container, or to a particular component.

Be mindful of each case before including them on a layout and also work together with Developer teams in order to know when they will be relevant according to APIs and server calls.
Select a version according to waiting time and spacing
As shown above, there are different versions available. Use the percentage-based one if we are able to provide a realistic time estimation to the final user. If that is not the case, use any of the infinite spinner versions provided.

As general criteria, use the most stand-out versions for full-screen or container based loaders. Use the Inline version for smaller containers or minor process-based loading feedback. This may also change by business needs or technical constrains.
Do not use the Loader without supportive text
Providing a Loader without a supportive text is not advised. As giving visual feedback to users is the main goal of this component, not providing context will make information unclear from their standpoint.

Best practices for Supportive texts include: using a friendly non-technical language and keeping the message short and clear.