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Search & Filters

The Search component is one of the most complex on our design system. It allows the user find content by introducing a word or a set of words into a general input field, with the option to input more specific criteria on an Advanced Search section.

Use Cases

  • As a general option in all our applications, it can be shown on the Header and will perform an overall search through the platform.
  • As a more specific option, it can be located on a screen whenever a table of content is shown, allowing a Slide-out to be shown if an Advanced Search is required.



Do's & Dont's

Result Page must show the criteria specified
After introducing the criteria and clicking/tapping the Search button, the user will be addressed to a Results page.

It is important to show on this screen the criteria specified accordingly (our design system show this in a block of tags) aswell as a Header indicating the number of total results, and then the content (usually displayed on a Table, but this can vary depending on business needs).
Sort Results and Advanced Search
A search can be as general or as narrowed as user requires. But, as space can be constrained sometimes, usually the option provided will be a single input field (when performing a general search) and a set of input fields (when the Advanced Search is shown either on a Slide-out or on the main area of the screen).

Also, when on the Results page, the user must have a way to filter the content (see Table component page) for a better navigation.
Avoid lack of feedback on blank pages
Even if the search has delivered no results, always show a response to the user's request. Having a blank page as result of a search can be confusing to the user.

For giving proper feedback on this scenario, you can use the Empty State component, as explained on this same Library.