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A Table is an arrangement of rows and columns that collects and shows big amounts of data in a simple grid. It can also contain different types of interaction for the user to manage this information. Is commonly used to show search results on-screen.

Use Cases

  • When the user needs to see a big amount of data that can be arranged in similar fields.

929 Checks Found

Name Phone # Email Address Leads Opportunities Status
John Amos (212)222-3341 1223 St Andrews Blvd, Boca Ration FL 33312 160 13 Active
Jane Doe (213)333-4444 1234 Elm Street, Los Angeles CA 90001 120 15 Inactive
Bob Smith (214)444-5555 5678 Oak Avenue, Dallas TX 75201 140 12 Active

929 Checks Found

Name Phone # Email Address Leads Opportunities Status
John Amos (212)222-3341 1223 St Andrews Blvd, Boca Ration FL 33312 160 13 Active
Jane Doe (213)333-4444 1234 Elm Street, Los Angeles CA 90001 120 15 Inactive
Bob Smith (214)444-5555 5678 Oak Avenue, Dallas TX 75201 140 12 Active

929 Checks Found

Name Phone # Email Address Leads Opportunities Status
John Amos (212)222-3341 1223 St Andrews Blvd, Boca Ration FL 33312 160 13 Active
Jane Doe (213)333-4444 1234 Elm Street, Los Angeles CA 90001 120 15 Inactive
Bob Smith (214)444-5555 5678 Oak Avenue, Dallas TX 75201 140 12 Active

929 Checks Found

Name Phone # Email Address Leads Opportunities Status Company Job Title City State Country Zip Code Source Last Contacted Notes Assigned To Created At Updated At Tags Skills
John Amos (212)222-3341 1223 St Andrews Blvd, Boca Ration FL 33312 160 13 Active XYZ Corp Manager New York NY USA 10001 Referral 2024-02-07 Met at conference Emily Smith 2024-01-15 2024-02-07 Sales, Client Sales, Management
Jane Doe (123)456-7890 456 Oak Street, Springfield, IL 62701 120 7 Active ABC Corporation Senior Analyst Springfield IL USA 62701 Website Form 2024-02-05 Interested in new products Michael Johnson 2024-01-20 2024-02-05 Sales, Leads Analytics, Sales
Mark Smith (555)123-4567 789 Maple Avenue, Denver, CO 80202 80 5 Active DEF Industries Marketing Manager Denver CO USA 80202 Email Campaign 2024-02-06 Interested in partnership Sarah Williams 2024-01-25 2024-02-06 Marketing, Leads Marketing, Communication
Name Phone #
John Amos (212)222-3341
Jane Doe (123)456-7890
Mark Smith (555)123-4567
Email Address Leads Opportunities Status Company Job Title City State Country Zip Code Source Last Contacted Notes Assigned To Created At Updated At Tags Skills 1223 St Andrews Blvd, Boca Ration FL 33312 160 13 Active XYZ Corp Manager New York NY USA 10001 Referral 2024-02-07 Met at conference Emily Smith 2024-01-15 2024-02-07 Sales, Client Sales, Management 456 Oak Street, Springfield, IL 62701 120 7 Active ABC Corporation Senior Analyst Springfield IL USA 62701 Website Form 2024-02-05 Interested in new products Michael Johnson 2024-01-20 2024-02-05 Sales, Leads Analytics, Sales 789 Maple Avenue, Denver, CO 80202 80 5 Active DEF Industries Marketing Manager Denver CO USA 80202 Email Campaign 2024-02-06 Interested in partnership Sarah Williams 2024-01-25 2024-02-06 Marketing, Leads Marketing, Communication
Building Rent
Annex 12 $550
Bienal Garden $1020
Cozé $890
929 Checks Found
Name Phone # Email Address Leads Opportunities Status
Group 1 (212)222-3341 1223 St Andrews Blvd, Boca Ration FL 33312 160 13 Active
Subgroup 1.1 (555)987-6543 789 Pine Street, Somecity, USA 30 5 Active
Robert Johnson (555)456-7890 321 Maple Street, Othercity, USA 80 12 Active
Subgroup 1.2 (555)987-6543 789 Pine Street, Somecity, USA 30 5 Active
Robert Johnson (555)456-7890 321 Maple Street, Othercity, USA 80 12 Active
Emily White (555)876-9876 987 Pine Lane, Meadowville, USA 40 25 Active
Jane Johnson (555)555-1234 789 Oak Avenue, Springfield, USA 75 10 Inactive
Group 2 (555)789-0123 456 Pine Street, Lakeside, USA 45 15 Active
John Amos (212)222-3341 1223 St Andrews Blvd, Boca Ration FL 33312 160 13 Active
Alice Williams (555)876-5432 321 Elm Street, Rivertown, USA 90 20 Inactive

Do's & Dont's

Content display, wrapping and interactions
In the most basic scenario, the information shown on a table will be just reported without any further interactions. But, even in this case, if the content overflows, the table must make use of different resources to adjust the content in the best way possible for the user (wrapping, horizontal scrolling and, of course, a concise captioning, for instance).

Be always mindful of the content amount, the information nature, business needs and the interactions that the user could find helpful on his tasks.
Reducing visual stress
Even when showing a single table, a screen can be easily saturated as this component can get very busy. This will create visual stress for the user, who may easily feel overwhelmed and lost.

Resources as Zebra tables or fixed columns are useful resources to avoid this scenarios.
Prioritize clarity, avoid ellipsis
The information shown on tables is quite variable on lenght, depending on its type.

Displaying this can be complex: it is important to make the best use of space possible and, at the same time, show as much information as possible, so the user can do a quick scan at a glance.

Even though there are many different resources available, try to be careful when using ellipsis on the content, and also when determining which content will be hidden by, for example, a scrolling bar.